From Woe To Wow
There are moments in time where we define ourselves. In those moments, we take everything we have learned about love and life to recreate ourselves into our elevated being. Sometimes, we will make those changes willingly. Other times they are brought about in times of tragedy and loss, forcing us to test and trust ourselves. From Woe to Wow takes us on a specific trip through a young woman’s triumph past adversity, and showcases what elements of ourselves we must reevaluate in order to become whole after brokenness. Author Dennise Hill starts the story with a realistic truth for many: A recently unemployed mother who went from happiness and stability to a year’s worth of self evaluation, self love, and empowerment. The journey is a familiar one for many of us trying to find our way back to ourselves. It examines the beauty of starting over, the resilience of a determined spirit, and the power of love in pushing us towards the finish line.
Photo taken from Faebook
The book serves as both a testament but also lends us the opportunity to journal in our own reflective thoughts, with pre inserted areas of examination in a workbook style. If you’ve ever been in a situation where self-discovery was necessary, this book is a good read. It is also a good book to read within a new year, when 365 days feels like a new chance at love, life, and endless possibilities.
Photo taken from Facebook

The book serves as both a testament but also lends us the opportunity to journal in our own reflective thoughts, with pre inserted areas of examination in a workbook style. If you’ve ever been in a situation where self-discovery was necessary, this book is a good read. It is also a good book to read within a new year, when 365 days feels like a new chance at love, life, and endless possibilities.

Grab this book for a loved one currently in the midst of their journey, or to celebrate a person who has triumphed past adversity.

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Ana White is a Levels Ready Entertainment Contributor. She is well experienced and creates resumes, writes and edits academic/ professional content, and conducts Socioemotional development workshops through her company, Way with Words. White can be contacted at
And as always...Stay In The Mix Monday's...And Until Next Time...Let's Remember This Time!!!
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