Monday, April 24, 2017

4/24/17 #InTheMixMonday Ft. Ciera D. Dent "Check My Walk Not My Shoes A Kingdom Journey"

Check My Walk Not My Shoes A Kingdom Journey

Written By: Anwar Curtis

Check My Walk Not My Shoes A Kingdom Journey, the latest book written by Author Ciera D. Dent. This book takes you on a personal journey. Dent shares with her readers why God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. This is Dents second published book, her first A Single Mother's Diary gave her the confidence to step out on faith and pay close attention to her journey. Many would think the content of that book would be targeted on father bashing, but on the contrary, Dent took the opportunity to encourage single mothers around the world that although being a young single mother would seem overwhelming and at times emotional, giving birth to a new born is a grace from God, and an exciting life experience. Dent also explains why single mother's shouldn't dwell over the “shoulda's and coulda’s” with their decisions but why digging deep to find happiness for themselves and spreading love over their children in the most responsible way possible is so important. A Singles Mother's Diary also gives details on why single mothers around the world should also be encouraged to support one another. Dent does a really good job conveying that message and why being a mother in general shouldn’t be about spite or competition, but strength and wisdom. 

With her brand new book Check My Walk Not My Shoes A Kingdom Journey, Dent really hones in on her recent journey and message in a fashionable way. This book is more spiritual than anything. Dent decided to give her life to the Lord in 2014 and although her spirit was excited to be elevated, like finding the perfect outfit to wear, that journey itself would be far from perfect as she explains in the many different chapters. Dent shares how her faith was constantly tested by losing family members, and even reproducing a new one. This is a book also full of encouragement along with a prayer she felt her readers and supporters needed because when one chooses to take a walk in life with only their faith to lean on, there will be a lot of doubt and criticism. And when the critics appear, Ciera strongly suggests to just look at those naysayers, smile and say "Check my walk, not my shoes."

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FaceBook: Ciera D. Dent



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