Written By Anwar Curtis (A.C. the MaYoR)
Many people have been asking this very question
“what has happened to the soul sound of R&B”?
Yes, over the years many peoples cell phones and
earbuds have been filled with artists that have
adapted the singing/rapping sound, with heavy
808 drum patterns, a blend of airy synth chords,
and snare drums and hi-hats fitting in the
background giving you a “trap music” type
emotion. And if your parents grew up in the
Motown era, and if you are a 80’s or 90’s baby,
you already know R&B singer’s
the evolution of R&B, criticizing music producers
and R&B artist from straying away from the
soulful sound of sampling, and singer’s doing just
that (singing) Indie artist’s O.W.L. and Dexter
Kendrick are back at it and their timing could not
have been more perfect, making sure that organic
R&B sound they grew up on doesn’t fade away.
Now don’t get it confused, these two male
vocalists are not a duo group, despite the circles
they run in both being alumni of Harrisburg’s own
The Singer’s Lounge, sharing a friendship they
both value. And even though it wasn’t planned,
these two artist dropping new singles around the
same time couldn’t have been more cosmic.
available for streaming. O.W.L. linked up with
Grammy Nominated, Multi Platinum Selling
music producer Dennis Aganee Jenkins
and ensemble a soulful sound from the piano run,
to the horn section, the cymbal ride, and
harmonies both O.W.L. and Aganee constructed.
This song would give anyone who may be
familiar with Theodore Witcher’s Love Jones or
Allen Hughes Dead Presidents movie an instant
flashback. Communication is always the pulse in
any relationship, both existent or nonexistent and
O.W.L. shares why even though that relationship
is now over, there is NO LOVE LOST.
another soulful song coming straight from Star
City. D. Kendrick orchestras a song full of love
which to me was inspired by the Disco Era,
Marvin Gaye, Curtis Mayfield, and even
Stevie Wonder with romantic arrangements and
lyrics that suggest, when questioning love just
listen to that angel who visits you in your dreams.
And although love is an emotion that is by far
perfect, when you find that special kind of love,
which is for everlasting and pure, just like the
soul that’s embedded in this song; it’s pure and
The Answer.
Like What You See??? Then Follow Here
ReverbNation: dexterkendrick
Soundcloud: owl_est89
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